Georg F. Sievers – Perspectives, Implementability And Measurability Of Ethical Principles In Business Management


This thesis entitled Perspectives, Implementability and Measurability of Ethical Principles in Business Management examines whether and to what extent pursuing ethical standards in a corporate context is possible.


This thesis entitled Perspectives, Implementability and Measurability of Ethical Principles in Business Management examines whether and to what extent pursuing ethical standards in a corporate context is possible.

The primary objective of the investigation is to identify the extent to which and which parameters and in which contexts corporate ethics are to be recognised as a factor within competition. Based on this a sustainable transfer of sustainability values into corporate practice is to be made possible and a usable model developed for corporate practice which can serve to implement and evaluate key ethical values in companies.
In terms of the methodology the thesis is divided into four parts. Comprehensive literature research identifies the status of research regarding the topic. Based on this an online questionnaire is used in order to validate the factors relevant for success identified in literature research as a factor in competition. The same objective is the focus of the expert interviews. Finally, the empirical research is completed by the analysis of business and sustainability reports of selected top 10 companies in the packaging industry.
As a result, validated success factors can be identified which in a first step were subjected to regression analysis thus leading to the construction of an overall index. This index illustrates whether a company meets the requirements of ethically sustainable corporate management or not. Depending on the level to which the index requirements are met in a corporate context the thesis provides recommendations for action for companies.

Relevant factors for success for companies acting in an ethically sustainable manner are to be found in particular in the existence of a guiding framework of order in society and sustainable guiding principles in the company, referencing self-conduct to sustainability indices, the usage of the same in a reporting context, reference to the SDGs in the formulation of corporate objectives and the usage of voluntary standards in sustainability reporting.

JEL Classification: A13, M14, M21, Q56, Y40

Diese hochwertige Buchausgabe begeistert im gedruckten Format durch einen 350 Gramm schweren Umschlag in samtiger Soft-Touch-Ausführung. Der Innenteil ist aus gestrichenem Profi-Bulk-Papier in weiß mit hohem Volumenanteil. Die Papierwirkung sorgt für eine sehr gute Lesbarkeit. Das Papier ist nachhaltig zertifiziert und alterungsbeständig.

The autor
Georg F. Sievers, PhD. (born 1967) is a trained retail salesman and has held various management positions (profit/trade). He then worked as a partner in a management consultancy (focusing on personnel and organisational development and management training/coaching) throughout Europe. Afterwards, Mr Sievers studied Catholic theology in Würzburg and changed to social work (non-profit/vocational integration of young people and adults into the labour market) after successfully graduating in 2010. In this context, he worked as a specialist in sustainability, ethics and economics. Further extensive studies (including a Master’s in organisational consulting) round off his theoretical research background.

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht 517 g
Größe 210 × 148 × 12 mm












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